This was the sunset on our passage from Baja to Tenacatita

This is the mouth of the jungle river looking out to the bay.

So the day after everyone had left I was on my first solo passage. It was short, only from the lagoon in Barra Navidad to Tenacatita, but I found myself with too much sail up as I was about to round Cabeza Navidad and had to do a reef. I was not a happy person due to my new solo status and more than a little apprehesive about the task at hand. All went well but I was still feeling low. In my head the refrain from a song is on an endless loop ' cause you left me just when I needed you most'. Just then not fifty yards behind me a whale rockets out of the water flipping on its back creating a treamendous splash. The whale continued following me and doing this for 10 minutes. I had a huge smile on my face and all I could say was, thank you.
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